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Welcome to N.O.A.

Women face numerous challenges both with their physical and mental health, and if there was the potential for one major breakthrough when it comes to women and taking care of their health, it would be understanding the importance of promoting the value of women's health care in an ever evolving world.  We need to recognize that most women suffer in silence while the world views them as "irrational, emotional or drama queens".  As care takers and providers, a woman can't meet the needs of anyone else until she takes care of her own physical, emotional, spiritual and mental needs.  

The NOA Women’s Movement is a faith based teaching that offers spiritual guidance to women 13 years of age or older that are going to various health, stress, mental, physical and emotional self-care issues and gives them guidance through various social, community, and faith-based initiatives intended to help develop spiritual growth, encourage good health practices and foster strong friendships and sisterhood If you would like to be a part of the movement, make a donation/offer services or would like more information please email us today at:

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Saturday, December 18, 2021 2:00PM


$30/per person
Limited to first 15 people 
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Chosen Generation International Ministries



6900 Carnation Street
Richmond, VA 23225

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©2020 by Chosen Generation international Ministries  
Simply Design Graphic Artistry

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